Program Release Documentation Building Permits Manager Version 4.500 3:06PM Feb/3/2013 New in version 4.500: Inspection Status Restored: --------------------------- If an inspection or scheduled inspection is deleted the inspection status is restored to as it existed before the deleted inspection was added. This is true also if the inspection history module is installed. Inspection Utility Changed: --------------------------- The utility at Utility, Synchronize Inspection Status now recognizes a blank status the same as "N" (not inspected), and will replace each blank inspection status with the "N" status. Inspection Spreadsheet Expanded: -------------------------------- Several files were added to the list of those that can be included in the inspection spreadsheet. The property address and the name and address of the property owner can now be included. It can also now include inspections that are required for a permit but not inspected, and whether such inspections have been scheduled. Editing Surcharges Allowed: --------------------------- In previous versions a surcharge could be edited, but the surcharge would be subsequently recomputed, erasing the change. The surcharge is no longer automatically recomputed if the fee being edited is a surcharge. However, it should be noted that if a charge that is subject to a surcharge is later changed, the surcharge will be recomputed. Escrow Support Module Added: ---------------------------- A new module is now available that provides an escrow system for contractors. It is fully integrated and compatible with the previous fee payment functions. It allows contractors to make escrow deposits and have fees paid from the escrow account as needed. See the document escrowmodule.txt for details. Contractor User Field Regression Fixed: --------------------------------------- User defined fields on the Misc. tab of the contractor update window were not displaying. Contractor Expiration Regression Fixed: --------------------------------------- When displaying contractors in File, Contractors, those with expired licenses were not highlighted. Calendar Bug Fixed: ------------------- Double clicking or pressing the Insert key in an unnumbered day (outside of the range of the currently displayed month) could crash the program. Installation: ------------- If updating from a version older than 4.480, because of changes in the database, users employing the import/export feature for inspections must carefully coordinate the installation of this version as follows: Before installing the update, make sure all portable computers have exported all of their data back to the host, and the data has been imported and merged by the host. Then install the update on the host and all portable computers before doing any more work in BP. Next, do an export from the host to the transfer directory to update the data before importing to portable computers. Do not install this version until the IMS applications listed below have been updated to the versions shown or later. Building Permits data files will be converted automatically when this release is first run. This release requires the Pervasive SQL database. Compatibility Requirements: --------------------------- Citizen Services: 2.355 or later. General Ledger: 4.513 or later. Business Tax/Occupational Licenses: 4.540 or later.