Key Benefits:
  • Tracks Permit Applications by application number, application type, and Date Opened. All documents pertaining to the possible permit can be attached to the application, and then become part of the actual permit.

  • Color Coding of applications make it easy for users to see the status of their departments application review.

  • Plans and other Attachments can be scanned and attached as a part of the application, and made a part of the permit.

  • Application Types are assigned to the Permit Type, forcing users to complete the application process prior to entering the permit.

  • Users can add and activate this module with ease to their current IMS Building Permits Manager software.

  • User defined Status Types, Review Types and Application Types enables the system to work for your specifications.

Release Notes

IMS has developed a new module that is now offered in conjunction with the IMS Building Permits program, the Application Tracking and Planning module. This module allows users to start the planning and permitting process from the time the site plans and permit application are brought to the municipality. Each potential permit is started in the tracking program, and given an application number to be carried throughout the process, allowing quick reference back to the tracking program from the Permitting program. A parcel/property ID number can also be attached to or assigned to the application. When a specific type of permit is entered into the permitting program, the system will test to check if the permit type requires application tracking. If Tracking is required, the user will get a message that an application is required.

The users can set number of days allowed for each departmental review, and Date Due is automatically filled in when the review is sent to the next department. Applications not reviewed prior to the Date Due will highlight in Red.

Applications and their review status are now easily tracked and viewed in the program so all users with access can follow the departmental approval of those applications.

Users are assigned to departments, and can easily view their department review status on each application by color code.

Each Application Type has a specific Review List for each review type required. Each department required for processing the application will be entered onto the application. These departments then review the application and can either accept or reject the plans, and attach specific comments to the application.

Schedules for each review type will determine the number of days for each departmental review. Red highlight indicates an application that is overdue for a review by a particular department.

Users can look up an application status, and which departments have reviewed them, displaying in color the status of the department review process. Green indicates approve and completed by a department, yellow indicating the department the application has been sent to for review.

If a department rejects the application, then that department can be added back to the review process and a second review can be scheduled if required.

If a Permit Type indicates an Application Type is required, then the permit cannot be entered unless the application is approved, and all required reviews have been completed. The application comments, if required, can be attached to the building permit as well as internal text and/or external scanned documents.